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In the general discussion which has in the past taken place as to the advantages and disadvantages of tours during the vacation by the musical clubs, much has been said of the pleasant graduate reunions at the concerts in various cities. There is, however, a still more legitimate field for the clubs which seems to have been rather neglected.

So far this year, with the exception of the Pierian Concert, only one musical entertainment has been given in Cambridge, and ordinarily there are but two, one in the fall and one in the spring. We would suggest that, if practicable, a series of "pop" concerts, or informal smokers, would be well attended, and would serve to give the college itself the benefit of the ability possessed by all the clubs.

The chief difficulty would be to obtain a suitable hall. None could be found of course, to answer the purpose as well as a University Club, but lacking that, some other accommodations might be obtained. At all events the effort would be well worth while, for such concerts would not only be thoroughly acceptable to the college, but would also provide a much needed incentive for the clubs.
