
Mr. Copeland's Lectures.

The first of Mr. Copeland's lectures under the general title "Dr. Johnson, his Friends, and the 'Club'," will be given this afternoon at 3.30 p. m., in Sever 11. The subject of this first lecture will be "Samuel Johnson."

Mr. Copeland will show Johnson as the center of the literary life of his time, a sort of literary dictator. He will point out that Johnson was a reactionary force in criticism, holding obstinately to classical ideals and despising the growing movement towards romanticism.

In discussing the other writers of the time, however, Mr. Copeland will not sacrifice the independent value and interest of their lives to the fact that they were friends of Johnson, but will try to make clear the literary quality of their writings and their lives, with a constant reminder that Johnson was the literary center of the times.

The subjects and dates for the other lectures and readings are as follows:

Dec. 9. Boswell's Life of Johnson.


Dec. 16. Oliver Goldsmith.

Jan. 6. Reading from Goldsmith.

Jan. 13. Reading from Boswell.

Jan. 20. Edmund Burke.

Jan. 27. Fanny Burney.

Feb. 3. David Garrick.
