
Special Notice.

HOLIDAY RATES.- For the benefit of students visiting their homes during the Christmas vacation the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell special round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to all local points on its system and to all points on or reached by its system west of Pittsburg and east of and including Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati.

These tickets can be procured only at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 205 Washington street, Boston, and will be issued only on presentation of a certificate signed by an officer of the University to the effect that the bearer is a member of one of the departments of the University. Certificates may be obtained at the Crimson office on or after today.

Tickets also on sale at Pennsylvania Railroad office via any rail or boat line to New York. 69 5

ANYONE who remembers having received back his clothes from H. Alexander and Son, on May 6, 1897, the day set for the class races, will confer a great favor by communicating the fact to R. W. Harrison, 16 Hastings Hall.

WILL "E. V." kindly call at this office for answer to his special notice.

