

FRESHMAN CREW.- No rowing this afternoon.

WATER POLO TEAM.- Meeting Monday evening at 7.30 in the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium of all men interested in forming a water polo team. All strong swimmers are urged to attend.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- Shoot Saturday. All men be at Union Station at 1.50 p. m. sharp.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 3.30 sharp in Ware Hall gymnasium. Every man must be present and be on time. Special car leaves the square for Mass. Yacht Club at 6.45.

CAMBRIDGE SOCIAL UNION.- Student wanted for special teaching in arithmetic and dictation; also to teach geography and history. Apply at the Rooms, Brattle square.


D. U.- Will all members of the Fraternity who have come to Harvard, as graduates or undergraduates, from other colleges send their names and addresses at once to F. O. White, 41 Matthews.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers will be read every evening during Advent (Nov. 29 to Dec. 22) in 17 Grays at seven o'clock.
