
Special Notice.

STUDENTS having hair that is stubborn and difficult to brush should call at Griffith's, 7 Brattle street, Harvard square. He makes a specialty of hair cutting. Every attention is shown the student by him and his seven men that he employs. Razors carefully honed.

Mr. Griffith was five years at Young's Hotel, Boston.

TYPEWRITING, Manifolding, Shorthand. W. E. Weaver '98, 44 College House 45 tf

LOWEST Railroad rates to all points west, via West Shore and Hoosac Tunnel Route. Sleeping Berths reserved in advance. Apply at New England Office, 300 Washington Street. A. A. Smith, N. E. Agt.; A. V. Fisher, City Ticket Agent. 66 4

REDUCED RAILROAD FARES.- To Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and all points South and West. J. F. Marsten, 39 Thayer Hall. Office hours: 1.30 to 2.30 and 6 to 7. 64 10


REDUCED RATES for round trip tickets via Hoosac Tunnel Route, will be made to all students intending to visit their homes for the Holiday vacation. For particulars call or write to,

J. R. WATSON, G. P. A. F. R. R., Boston, Mass.68 4

GEO. T. MOFFATT, Stenographer.- Theses and Themes typewritten on short notice. Dictation work a specialty. Crimson office.

OIL PAINTINGS.- An opportunity to secure choice oil paintings at the sale of Lewis J. Bird and Co., Auctioneers, 32 Bromfield street, Wednesday, December 22 at 2.30 p. m.

EXCELLENT board and good service can be obtained for $6.00 per week at 1190 Mass. Ave., opposite Beck Hall. Club tables to let. Transients accommodated. 7 tf

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday nights. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, 290 Harvard street, corner of Clinton street. 2 tf

BOXING.- Do you want to take boxing lessons? If so there is no better man than Wm. S. Gordon, who has been appointed instructor at the Gymnasium. Lessons at Gymnasium or at rooms. Wm. S. Gordon, 35 Boylston street, Cambridge. 27 tf

MISS POST'S School for Instruction in Dancing at Pierce Hall, Copley Sq., reopens in October. Private lessons a specialty. Prospectus forwarded upon application. Office hours, 9 till 11, daily.

