

Speakers Chosen to Meet the Sophomores in Debate.

The second trial debate to choose speakers from the Freshman Debating Club to speak against a team from the Sophomore Debating Club, was held last evening in Sever 11. The question debated was: "Resolved, "That United States senators should be elected directly by the people." The inter-club debate will be held on January 10 and will be upon the same question.

The ten men chosen at the first trial spoke last night and the following team was selected: A. G. Alley, Jr., M. T. Hall, J. W. Scott, and M. E. Stillwell, alternate. These men will select the side of the question to be supported by their club. The judges were P. G. Carleton '99, A. M. Sayre Sp., and F. O. White '99.

The speaking last night was very creditable and the delivery was especially pleasing. The weaknesses were want of form in massing points, a bad tendency to make unsupported statements and to draw unauthorized inferences, and evident inability to judge the real value of an argument. Though, because of these faults, there was no really strong speech, the speeches were all equally fluent and energetic.

There will be no meeting of the club on next Monday evening.
