
"School-Boy Life in England."

John Corbin '92, is the author of "School-boy Life in England," just issued by Harper and Bros., New York City, This is a most attractive volume and will be of especial interest to Harvard men and to men in the preparatory schools of this country. Mr. Corbin, it may be remembered, spent a year after graduation as a student at Oxford and later he made another trip to England, spending the summer there and living successively at the several great public schools.

Mr. Corbin describes vividly and from the American point of view, life at Winchester, Eton, Rugby, and some of the other great schools. He indicates the points of difference between the English public schools and the American preparatory schools, and points out clearly those characteristics of the English public schools that have impressed their individuality upon the leaders in English literary and public life. "School-boy Life in England" is handsomely illustrated. This is the second book that Mr. Corbin has published since his graduation.
