
University Calendar.

(Continued from first page.)

Question: "Resolved, That United States Senators should be elected by direct vote of the people."

Those selected at the first trial will speak, each man being allowed six minutes.

Sophomores are invited to attend.

17. Friday.Divinity School. Preaching Service. Mr. E. E. Stevens. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 p. m.


Open to the public.

Harvard Union Debate. Sever 11, 7.30 p. m.

Question: "Resolved, That a system of marking, similar to that in use at Chicago University, be substituted for the present system at Harvard."

Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: W. B. Buck Gr., and R. D. Crane 1900.- Negative: G. C. Ward '98, and E. A. Waters '98.

Open to all members of the University.

Harvard Natural History Society. Sixtieth Anniversary Meeting. Lecture: The Preservation of Our Native Animals. Mr. W. T. Hornaday. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8 p. m.

Members of Harvard University may obtain tickets for themselves and their friends by applying to the Secretary, at Walter Hasting 58, before December 15. A stamped and addressed envelope should be enclosed with every application.

Graduate Club. Regular Meeting. Address by Judge O. W. Holmes. Refectory of the Episcopal Theological School, 8 p. m.

Mathematical Conference. Papers: A Theorem on Conics Tangent to Five Lines. Mr. E. B. Wilson. Another paper to be announced later. Sever 20, 4.30 p. m.
