
Golf Tournament.

In the Harvard Golf Club second handicap medal competition held Friday and Saturday of last week on the club's links, J. DeK. Towner '98, made the best actual score and was the winner of Class A. J. T. Pratt L. S., with a handicap of four, and E. P. Fay L. S., with a handicap of nine, were tied for first place in Class B. The tie will be played off this week.

The scores and handicaps are as follows:

Class A.

Name. Gross. Handi-Net.



J. DeK. Towner '98, 91 7 84

C. R. Henderson, Jr., 1901, 97 6 91

T. M. Hastings '98, 102 9 93

H. D. Buell L. S., 107 14 93

M. S. Greenough '98, 104 10 94

Stoughton Bell L. S., 108 9 99

The following men handed in no scores: J. F. Curtis '98, G. C. Clark, Jr., 1901, M. E. Jenkins L. S., G. M. Wheelock 1901, S. B. Buck '98, J. G. Averell '99, J. E. Postlethwaite 1901, T. Gerrish 1901, J. C. McCall '99, R. B. Sprague L. S., J. G. Forbes 1901.

Class B.

Name. Gross. Handicap. Net.

J. T. Pratt L. S., 99 4 95
