
Yale, 16; Chicago A. A, 6.

Yale played her last game before the Harvard game on Saturday, against the strong Chicago Athletic team, and won by a score of 16 to 6. The score was made entirely during the first half with a strong wind blowing in favor of Chicago. Instead of playing a kicking game during this half Chicago persisted in sending her backs into the Yale line. Yale made her three touchdowns by persistent plugging and in the second half with the wind in her favor was content to leave the score as it was, and played a cautious, defensive game, punting as often as possible and thus keeping Chicago from getting into her territory.

The feeling at Yale is now one of encouragement. Cadwallader is again in the line up and Hall the only man injured in the game Saturday will be in the practice today as usual. After Wednesday of this week there will be no hard practice before Saturday's game. The final selection of half backs and ends will not be made until toward the end of the week though it is generally conceded that Hall and Hazen will play ends.
