
Special Notice.

HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel. Now post office block. At popular prices. Bring your razors for sharpening, etc. 2-tf

You can buy for $5.00 a pair of black calf, Tan, Enamel or Patent Shoe (such as would cost elsewhere $7.00). Our own special last. Very fine goods.


LOST.- Psi U. Fraternity pin surrounded by diamonds and rubies, with full name of owner on back, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 3, between Tremont Theatre and North Cambridge. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning same to N. B. D., 55 Garfield street, Cambridge. 35 2

TUTORING IN FRENCH.- T. D. Parker A. M. (Harvard), 36 Grays. 35 2


YOU can buy for $3.00 a pair of black calf shoes such as you never saw before, latest style and warranted, of


TRINITY HALL.- Front suite, three rooms. Two suites with southerly exposure, double bedrooms. Steam heat, hot and cold water and electric lights in each suite. Special rate for rest of College year. Apply to janitor. 20 tf

WANTED.- A copy of Moore's Delineations. Used in the first year's fine arts course. Address, S. P. A., Crimson office.

"CLASS OF 1901." Get all your clothes pressed once a week during college year for $10.00 each. Call at 7 Brattle, or drop postal to L. G. MacKeigan, P. O. Box 36, Cambridge. 4 tf

LOST.- A pair of steel-bowed spectacles in a red case. Finder will please leave for S, Crimson office.

10 THAYER.- Good bonus to any one who will take the room. Call or address 41 Matthews.

EXCELLENT board and good service can be obtained for $6.00 per week at 1190 Mass. Ave., opposite Beck Hall. Club tables to elt. Transients accommodated. 7 tf

TO HARVARD STUDENTS.- We are serving, Free, Whitman's Instantaneous Chocolate. You are cordially invited to sample it. Just what you need to complete your lunch. Frank P. Merrill, Harvard square. 32 4

TABLE BOARD.- A few students can be accommodated at the general table by applying at 1200 Mass. Ave. (opp. Beck).
