About seven hundred men assembled in the square yesterday afternoon to welcome Mr. Lehmann and Mr. Willis on their arrival in Cambridge. When the carriage containing Mr. Lehmann, Mr. Willis and Captain Goodrich drove into the square, hearty cheers were given first for Mr. Lehmann, then for the others, for the crew, and a final three times three for Harvard. The carriage then drove to the boat house and Mr. Lehmann spent the rest of the afternoon coaching the fours. He took one crew at a time and gave them each the benefit of a half-hour's coaching. On the launch with Mr. Lehmann were H. Willis of Leander, Perkins '98, C. C. Bull '98, and G. von Utassy '98.
The crews went out in the following order:
Stroke, Goodrich '98; 3, McDuffie '98; 2, Blake '99; bow, DuBois '98.
Stroke, Biddle 1900; 3, Perkins '99; 2, Brown 1900; bow, Wood '98.
Stroke, Adams '98; 3, Marvin '99; 2, Byrd 1900; bow, Robinson '98.
Stroke, Higginson 1900; 3, Heath 1900; 2, Fitzgerald 1900; bow, Pierce 1900.
Captain Goodrich's crew went out again with C. P. Adams '99, at bow instead of DuBois, and the crew rowed a few short stretches with Adams' crew. These brushes resulted evenly.
Thompson '99, captain and stroke of crew 4, has been taken ill and will not be able to row in the race. Higginson has changed from 3 to stroke, and Pierce has taken the place of Heath who has gone to 3. The race will be rowed tomorrow afternoon about four o'clock and will be one mile straight away.
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