
Law School Debating Club.

A debating club has recently been organized at the Law School in order to give training both in forensic argument and in extemporaneous debate. Biweekly meetings althernating with Mr. Copeland's classes in reading and speaking are held, every other one of which is a prepared debate.

The references for the next debate are as follows:

Affirmative-Thurston's Hand Book of Annexation; N. A. Rev., Mar. and April, 1895; Overland Monthly, June, 1895; N. A. Rev., Mar. and Dec., 1893; Rev. of Revs., Mar., 1893.

Negative-Harper's, LXXXVII, p. 737; N. Y. Nation, Feb., 1893; Pub. Opinion, Feb. 25, 1893; Forum, XV, p. 387.

To be found on reserved shelf in reading room, Gore Hall.

