Last year several members of the University, recognizing the great need of philanthropic work among sailors, decided to open on T Wharf a readingroom where sailors while in the harbor could come for rest and amusement. A sail-loft at the extreme end of the wharf was secured and fitted up with a piano, periodicals and games. Through the solicitation of Mr. Birtwell, director of the student Volunteer Committee, the Boston Port Society agreed to pay room rent and janitor hire.
This year the daily attendance has averaged one hundred and fifty and much the same line of work is being carried out as last year, although thoroughly effective work is hampered by the lack of accurate knowledge of the conditions and needs of sailors. Those in charge have, therefore, decided to aid in taking a census of sailors. Every vessel which comes to the wharf is boarded and, in conversation with the sailors, as much as possible is ascertained of their early life, wages, method of hiring, taste, means of improvement, etc. These are tabulated for future use. At the same time is extended an invitation to visit the reading room. A savings bank branch has been established this year in the room and is in charge of the manager who goes over every day to receive deposits. Once a month an entertainment is given by students.
Current and back numbers of the standard periodicals were furnished last year by members of the University and it is hoped that this year they will prove as generous.
E. C. Carter 1900 has the general charge of the reading room.
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