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We wish to emphasize once more the importance of the problem which the Senior class must face in its meeting toward the end of the week. The vote in past years has been very light, and in most instances little more than half the eligible list has been present. For this state of affairs then a remedy must be found if possible. Of course it is not to be expected that a thoroughly satisfactory system can be devised all at once, but there is the more reason for making a special effort to leave to '99 a system in advance of the old one.

As the two communications show this morning, the chief difficulty is to provide for men who may be defeated as candidates at the top of the ticket. The plan proposed of holding the committee elections over a day is not altogether satisfactory. It is, to begin with, rather cumbrous, and in addition it is but a half-way measure, as so many offices would still remain to be filled simultaneously. It is quite conceivable, for instance, that the same individual might be nominated for a marshalship and for a literary office, or as chorister. It is to be hoped that a better solution of the difficulty will be suggested.
