

SECOND ELEVEN.- The following men be in front of the Co-operative at 1.20 to go to Andover. Locker Building will be open all the morning so that men can get their clothes. Hoague, H. R. Sargent, Jaffray, Gray, G. Sargent, Stoddard, Littig, Maguire, Bull, Hanavan, Livermore, Brown, Curtis, Trainer, Gierasch.

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- All men must be dressed promptly at 3.30. Play '99.

GOLF CLUB.- Entries for the second autumn tournament of the club will close today at 5 p. m., at Leavitt and Pierce's.

ALL members of the University wishing to join the Harvard Athletic Association can do so at Thurston's or at 205 Craigie Hall, Mondays, 1.30-2.30. The fee is $5 for the whole college course. Freshmen are urged to join at once.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Full rehearsal this evening at 6.45 in Lower Dane.


'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.

HARVARD UNION.- Eaton, Case, Bushnell, Bolling and Dolman please call at 14 Little's between nine and twelve Wednesday.

CHESS CLUB.- Meeting tonight at 7.30 in Grays 21.
