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As today's game is the last before that with Yale, we wish to take the opportunity to say a word as to the behavior of the spectators. There were several demonstrations at the last game with Cornell which were not particularly creditable to Harvard as the home college. The crowd did not hesitate to express its disapproval of many decisions of the officials, and worse yet, there was a round of applause in reception of a member of the Harvard team who was ruled off for slugging.

The justice of these decisions is a consideration which is neither here nor there. The football management secures men whom it considers capable. If they accept the invitation they confer more or less of a favor and their decisions are very properly held as final. Above all, the only channel through which a remonstrance can with propriety go, is the captain or the coaches. But it is surely superfluous to discuss details of etiquette at football games. Harvard men have always taken a peculiar pride in maintaining their self-respect by courteous treatment of adversaries, and by a reluctance to question any official decision. On Saturday, however, the crowd forgot itself to an unaccountable extent and certainly passed far beyond the bounds of self-control and dignity.

In the big game that is to come Harvard bears an especial responsibility to treat a respected adversary with all hospitality. Therefore, even though there should be some apparent provocation as is always possible in the heat of excitement we hope that no breaks will be permitted. Such behavior as Saturday's is perhaps a matter of small practical effect, but it outrages all the traditions of Harvard savoir faire, and is an unworthy relapse.

Practice for the cross country run to be held this fall between Pennsylvania and Cornell has begun at both colleges.

Mr. Herbert Radcliffe of Boston, has presented to Radcliffe College a collection of books comprising military memoirs of the civil war and other works on American subjects.

