

CRIMSON.- Meeting and smoker to night at 7.30. Lampoon football eleven invited at 8.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today in L. S. S. 1 at 4.45. mwf

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 in 1256 Mass. avenue.

THE fourth hare and hound run will be held this afternoon. The start will be from the Gymnasium at 4 o'clock. O. W. Richardson '99 and H. B. Clark 1901 will be the hares and D. Grant M. S. master of hounds.

BASKET-BALL CANDIDATES.- There will be a meeting of men interested in forming a basket-ball team in the Trophy Room at the Gymnasium at 4.


PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal Monday, Nov. 29, at 7 p. m. sharp. All members and new men must attend punctually, as the regulations will be strictly enforced. Return all parts taken for practice.

THE costumes for the French Play not having yet come, there will be a notice in tomorrow's Crimson as to where they can be obtained.

FRENCH PLAY.- Free tickets for the public rehearsal, Friday, Dec. 3, will be given to men who attended rehearsals as supernumeraries, but have dropped out, if they will send a postal today, Monday, to P. S. Brayton, 11 Leonard avenue, stating the number of rehearsals attended. Time and place of giving out tickets will be announced later.

THE St. Paul's Society.- There will be a corporate communion of the society on St. Andrew's Day, Tuesday, Nov. 30, in Christ Church, at 7.30 a. m.
