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The plan for improving the method of class elections which appears in this morning's CRIMSON demands the careful attention of every Senior. The committee which has had the matter in charge has given it the most thorough consideration and is of opinion that on the whole the plan is in greater part well worth adopting. There are, however, certain practical difficulties to be overcome, and as the changes would necessitate a radical departure from long established custom and precedent, it has seemed best to place the issue before the class.

It is much to be regretted that the class has not at its disposal a less limited time in which to work out the problem, but the election itself ought not to be delayed longer than is necessary, and for this very reason it is of the utmost importance that the Seniors should think the details over carefully so that they may be able to act for the best when the plan is put before them in a class meeting. The objects sought are evident. It is hoped to secure a larger and more representative vote, and to place all individuals upon an equal basis. No one can expect to obtain under any circumstances a perfect system. The situation is too complicated.

The clause which gives perhaps the most trouble is that which forbids the nomination of the same candidate for more than one office. It is of course understood that no individual shall hold more than one office. On the other hand, it would be a misfortune to the class, in case of a contest over a marshalship, for instance, to deprive the defeated candidate of all chance to be placed lower down on the list. This drawback, which seems an essential part of any system of secret ballot, should if possible be eliminated, and we urge most earnestly that every effort be made to remove such difficulties in the wisest possible manner.

The "No-To-Bacs" defeated the "Legal Lights," Saturday afternoon on Soldiers Field by the score of 6-0. The game was close and exciting throughout.

The Brooklyn High School has won the intercity interscholastic football championship by defeating the Boston English High School on Saturday by a score of 10 to 6.

