A German play is to be given at Exeter on December 9.
There was a slight fire at the University Museum Thursday afternoon.
Princeton is the only team that defeated the Naval Cadets this year.
Nebraska has won the championship of the Western Intercollegiate Association.
The students of Brown University will give a Greek play on November 30th and December 1st.
In the Chicago-Michigan game, which Chicago won, 21 to 12, Hershberger, the Chicago fullback, kicked three goals from place kicks.
Ex-Captain Starr of the Harvard lacrosse team is organizing a team at Columbia. Fifty-two men answered his call for candidates.
The Cross Country Club of Cornell has decided to hold a twenty-five mile run this winter similar to the Marathon race at the Olympic games.
J. C. Hurley 1901, has been elected captain of the Boston College team. Hurley played on the Harvard Freshman team last year but was taken ill and left college.
The Yale crew has been invited to meet the University of Wisconsin crew in a two mile race next summer at the celebrations in Milwaukee to commemorate the fiftieth aniversary of the state of Wisconsin.
The Yale Gun Club will hold a shoot with the Princeton Gun Club on Saturday, December 4th, at Travers Island. This will be the final match for the permanent possession of the cup presented by "Shooting and Fishing."
The Library will soon have a valuable addition in the form of a general Spanish Encyclopaedia. This elaborate work, comprising twenty-five volumes, is the largest and most complete ever published. Thus far twenty volumes have been finished.
The income of the fund of $1100, set aside for the purchase of English classics for the Child Memorial Library, has recently been used in adding to the collection of books the complete works of Thackeray, Defoe, Southey, and Dickens. It is the intention of the management to make this library exclusively one of English Works.
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