'99 FOOTBALL.- Picture at Pach's at 2.00 p. m. Same men as before. Everybody must be there surely.
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- All men who played in the Penn. or Yale freshman games meet at 43 Claverly Hall tonight, Tuesday, at seven o'clock.
CREW NOTICE.- The following men be at the boat house dressed to row this morning: Thomson, Coleman, Brown and Heath at 10; Byrd, Perkins '99, Du Bois and H. Adams at 12.
'98 FOOTBALL.- All men who are going to Lowell Thursday be on Holmes Field at 4 p. m. today for signal practice.
'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 in 1256 Mass. avenue.
'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 in Lower Dane.
DEUTSCHE VEREIN.- Very important meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the old Pi Eta Rooms, Roberts Hall, Brattle square. New policy of Verein will be voted on.
WELD 1901 CREW.- Hart, Locke, Perry, DuBois, Britten, Swaim, Evans, Gray, Palmer, Brigham, Wheelwright, Jones, Loud, Brainerd, Forsman, Beals and Burton be at the boat house today at 10.10 sure. Those men having recitations need not come.
WELD FOURS.- Captains be at the boat house at 3 o'clock sure.
SCRUB NO. 1: Hastings, Bertholf, Dowd, Hill 1900, l. h. b., Clement, H. M. Hall '99 q. b., Galbraith, f. b., Hester, r. h. b., Pinkham, Rummery, r. g., Regan and Parker Gr., be at car station, Harvard square at 1.15 p. m. sharp, ready to go to Concord.
ALL men wishing to try for business manger of the Harvard Monthly please call at Stoughton 10, after 7 p. m.
NO-TO-BACS.- Every man who wants to play at Waltham Thursday must be on Holmes for practice today at 4 sharp.
ENGLISH CLUB.- A meeting will be held this evening at 7.30 at 18 Grays. This is an especially important meeting and all members are urgently requested to be present.
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Appleton Chapel.