The Freshman Debating Club held a highly successful meeting in Sever 11 last evening, with seventy-five members present. The question for debate was: "Resolved, That the government should own and operate the railroads in the United States." The principal disputants were: Affirmative-J. A. Cook and W. A. Heilprin; negative-R. W. Cheney and L. M. Dougan. About twenty men spoke from the floor. The judges awarded the debate to the negative.
The speaking was vigorous and pleasing, but even the difficulty of handling well so broad a subject in so short a debate did not excuse the absence of any real arguments on the part of the principal disputants. The speakers from the house showed a better conception of the question, however, and approached the debate in a better manner.
The club has accepted the challenge of the Sophomore Debating Club for an inter-club debate to be held on January 10, and the club's team for that debate will be chosen by two trials. The first will be held on December 6, and ten men will be retained, from whom the team of four will be picked on December 20. The regular Freshman-Sophomore debate does not come until May, and new trials will be held for choosing the speakers for that debate. The question for the regular debate next Monday is: "Resolved, That there should be compulsory arbitration in labor disputes between employers and employees."
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Appleton Chapel.