(Continued from first page.)
Boyle, l. e. r. e., Moulton.
Goodman, Carnet, l. t. r. t., Mills, Haughton.
Hare, l. g. r. g., Haskell, Boal.
Overfield, c. c., Doucette.
McCracken, r. g. l. g., Bouve.
Outland, r. t. l. t., Wheeler.
Hedges, r. e. l. e., Richardson.
Weeks, q. b. q. b., Garrison, Cochrane.
Jackson, l. h. b. r. h. b., Parker, Sawin.
Morice, r. h. b. l. h. b., Dibblee.
Minds, f. b. b., Haughton, Mills.
Referee-C. R. Wyckoff, Cornell. Umpire-J. W. Beacham, Cornell. Linesmen-Goodrich, Harvard; Fortesque, Pennsylvania. Touchdowns-Minds, Hare and Parker. Goals from touchdowns-Minds, Haughton. Goal from the field-Minds. Time-Two 35-minute halves. Disqualified-Goodman.
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Early History of Harvard-Yale baseball.