
Official Notice.

THE second "extra meeting" of the Metaphysical Seminary will be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 3, at 7.30 p. m., at 103 Irving street. Members of all the Graduate Seminary Courses given under the charge of the Philosophical Department are invited to attend these extra meetings. At the meeting Wednesday three brief papers and some general discussion may be expected.

JOSIAH ROYCE.FRENCH 1A.- Hour examination in Upper Mass on Thursday, November 4.

French 6.- Hour examination in Sever 23 on Friday, November 5.

French 7.- Hour examination in Sever 23 on Thursday, November 4.

F. C. DE SUMICHRAST.MILITARY DRILL.- A number of men who have signified their desire to join the drill squads have not yet attended drills. Each one should feel that the success of the drill depends upon his individual attendance, and I request all who can join the squad now, or who intend to join later, to see me at Armory Hall, Brattle Square at 4.45 today, or to let meet hear from them in writing at once.


WIRT ROBINSON, 1st Lieut. 4th Artillery.THERE will be an hour examination for all sections of Latin C on Friday, Nov. 5, at eleven o'clock in Upper Massachusetts.

C. P. PARKER.ENGLISH 8.- The hour examination announced for Tuesday, Nov. 2, will be postponed until Thursday, Nov. 4. When I decided on the former date I had forgotten that it was election day.

BARRETT WENDELL.ASTRONOMY I.- The hour examination on Tuesday will be held in Lower Mass. Those student who have given Dr. Willson any record of observations need not take the examination.

W. M. REED.Mr. Copeland's classes meet at the following times and places. For Advanced Pupils, Fridays, 11-12, in Sever 32; and 3.30-4.30, in Sever 1. For Law Students, Fridays, 2.30-3.30, in Sever 1. For Seniors and Juniors, Mondays, 11-12, in Sever 32 For Sophomores, Mondays,12-1, in Sever B. For Freshmen, Wednesdays, 12-1, in Sever B; 2.30-3.30, and 3.30-4.30, in Sever 1.

Men who cannot come at the hours appointed for them, may make other arrangements by seeing Mr. Copeland.
