Resolved: "That the development of trusts is industrially beneficial."
Affirmative.W. C. Abercrombie '98 and A. O. Eliason 1 Gr.
References: Hobson, "The Evolution of Modern Capitalism," pp. 1 to 244; Von Halle, "Trusts"; Pol. Sci. Qu., 9: 486; Pol. Sci. Qu., 3: 385; Forum, 5; 585.
Negative.W. A. Adams '98 and R. S. Goodrich '98.
References: Nation, vol. 45, p. 68; vol. 47, p. 125; vol. 48, p. 176; vol. 49; vol. 44, p. 385; Lloyd, Wealth or Common-wealth; Labor I, 539-47; Pop. Sci. M.; March, 1889, p. 619; Quarterly J. of Economics III: 135; Cong. Record, XXI, p. 2456; Joynes, "Pools and Corners."
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