

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- The following men be in front of the Co-operative at 10.45 sharp: Burnett, Lyman, White, Kendall, Jaynes, Reid, Merriam, Ellis, Fincke, Hallowell, W. R. Lawrence, Hawkins, J. S. Lawrence, Whitney, J. Lawrence, Brayton, Peyton, Talbot, Kasson.

CREW NOTICE.- These men be at the boat house dressed to row as follows: Byrd and C. P. Adams at 10.10; Blake and Dobyns at 11; Coleman at 12, and Higginson and DuBois at 12.30.

SHOOTING TEAM.- Third trial shoot this afternoon at the grounds from 2.30 till 4 o'clock. Men must come early in order to have good light. New men are urged to try.

HELCATS.- Everybody be out dressed to play at 4 o'clock sharp.

ALL men who play on Scrub No. 1, please be at car station, Harvard square, at 1.15 p. m., ready to go to Concord.


PIERIAN SODALITY.- Concert today, Wednesday, Nov. 17, at Hotel Vendome, at 4 p. m. sharp. All men must attend punctually. Leave Harvard square before 3.30 p. m.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today in L. S. S. 1 at 4.45.

LACROSSE.- Practice will be held on Holmes Field today at 3.30 sharp. All men must be out as there will be a line-up.

ANNUAL meeting of the Harvard Co-operative Society, for the election of officers and transaction of other business Wednesday, Nov. 17th, at 8 p. m., in University 16.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Very important business meeting tonight at 7.30 in Grays 17.

SHAKESPEARE CLUB.- Meeting tonight at 7.30, in Beck 42, to read "Taming of the Shrew."

CHESS CLUB.- Meeting tonight in Grays 31 at 7.30.

BIBLE STUDY.- Class in the Life of Paul in Holden Chapel at 6.45 this evening. Lesson V in the Outlines. New members are welcome.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Half-hour prayer meeting this evening at 6.30 in 25 Stoughton.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- The society will hold its monthly smoke talk on Wednesday evening, Nov. 17, at 8.15, in 15 Holworthy.

ALL members of the University wishing to join the Harvard Athletic Association can do so at Thurston's or at 205 Craigie Hall, Mondays, 1.30-2.30. The fee is $5 for the whole college course. Freshmen are urged to join at once.

ALL Mss. for the December Monthly must be sent to the editors, 53 Ware Hall, by November 20.

GOLF CLUB.- Members who have not received their shingles are requested to call at once at the CRIMSON office for them.
