
Sophomore Debating Club.

The first regular debate of the Sophomore Debating Club was held last evening in Sever 11. The subject was: "Resolved, That the state government of Massachusetts should take control of all street railways." The attendance was good and the debate successfully handled.

The speakers were J. Kullmer and R. W. Foster for the affirmative; C. M. Underwood, Jr., and H. S. French, for the negative.

The subject for next Thursday's debate will be: "Resolved, That party allegiance is preferable to independent action in municipal politics, as shown in the recent New York City election."

The membership of the club has increased since the first meeting and the prospects for a successful year are good. Still in order to give further encouragement to the new club which is to be a test of the inter-class debating system, other Sophomores are urged to join, whether they have taken any previous interest in debating or not. Any member of the class of 1900 or any second year special may become a member by signing the constitution and paying the initiation fee of one dollar.
