
Fencing Tournament.

As already announced the B. A. A. will hold an open fencing competition for medals in the Association's gymnasium, Saturday, Nov. 20th, under the direction of the New England Division of the Amateur Fencers' League of America. There will be bouts with foils, duelling swords and sabres; those with foils being divided into two classes, one for novices and another for men who have fenced in A. F. L. A. and intercollegiate competitions. The entrance fee is $1.50 for all men not members of the A. F. L. A., and entries to be sent to Atherton Brownell at the B. A. A., will close Nov. 17th.

As any member of the University wishing to try for the intercollegiate team may take lessons of Professor Rondelle in the rooms of the Fencing Club, there is no reason why many should not profit by the experience which can be gained by going into training for this tournament.
