38 Union Square, New York.
It has been proposed to erect in his native city of Edinburgh a memorial to Robert Louis Stevenson, and a committee of his Scotch and English admirers and friends, headed by Lord Rosebery and having among its number those as near to Stevenson as Mr. Sidney Colvin, Mr. George Meredith, and Mr. J. M. Barrie, has been already formed to carry out the project. But Stevenson is no-where held in greater admiration or affection than in America, and it seems certain than many of his American readers would be glad of an opportunity to take part in this tribute to his memory. Many of them have felt through his books the vital and stimulating personality that made him one of the most attractive figures in recent English literature; and the idea of this memorial has appealed to them with an unusual force.
With the authority of the English organization an American Committee has been formed, which asks American readers and admirers of Stevenson to contribute to the work. The memorial is to take the shape of a "statue, bust, or medallion with such architectural or sculpturesque accompaniment as may be desirable," and the character of those having the matter in charge ensures its dignity and fitness.
Subscriptions of whatever amount will be received for the American Committee by the undersigned, its chairman, and receipts returned in the name of the Committee. To the subscribers of sums of $10.00 and upward there will be sent by the American Committee, as a memorial of participation in the undertaking, a special edition, printed for the committee, of Stevenson's "AEs Triplex," bearing the subscriber's name and having as its frontispiece a reproduction of the portrait by John S. Sargent. It need hardly be said that this edition will not be otherwise obtainable. CHARLES FAIRCHILD, Chairman.
Committee.- Henry M. Alden, E. L. Burlingame, Beverly Chew, Charles B. Foote, Jeannette B. Gilder, Richard Watson Gilder, Clarence King, Gustav E. Kissel, John La Farge, Will H. Low, James McArthur, S. S. McClure, Augustus St. Gaudens, Charles Scribner, J. Kennedy Tod, Geo. E. Waring.
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