

1901 Wins the Second Game in the Class Football Series.

Saturday afternoon the second interclass game was played on the 'Varsity practice field between the Sophomore and Freshman elevens and resulted in a victory for the latter by the score of 36 to 0.

1900 won the toss and kicked off. The Freshmen then rushed the ball for 20 yards and kicked to 1900's 35-yard line. 1900 tried to gain but fumbled and 1901 got the ball, only to kick it over the line where Hallowell fell on it. The Sophomores then kicked off again but were unable to keep the Freshmen in the succeeding plays from gaining steadily. 1901 held the ball on 1900's 20-yard line, and Jaynes was sent over for a touchdown. Daly kicked the goal.

After an exchange of kicks, 1900 fumbled and Jaynes made the second touchdown for 1901. Daly kicked a very hard goal. On the next kick off 1901 rushed the centre for a gain, after which they kicked back. Martin fumbled and after a few short rushes Jaynes was pushed over for the third touchdown. Hallowell punted out and Daly again succeeded in kicking a difficult goal. No more scoring was done in the first half.

In the second half 1901 kicked off and the Sophomores carried the ball to the 30-yard line. 1900 then punted outside and 1901 got the ball. White then replaced Kendall at left half-back. A moment later Ellis made the fourth touchdown and Daly kicked the goal.

After the next kick-off Daly ran to the 30 yard line and White was given the ball and ran through the field for another touchdown. Daly again made the goal. Ellis carried the ball to the 30 yard line on the last kick-off and then 1901 kicked. 1900 fumbled and it was the Freshmen's ball again. Hallowell ran 20 yards in the next play for the sixth and last touchdown. Daly succeeded in kicking his sixth goal.


1901 was very strong in the line and in interfering for their backs. All the backs ran well and were hard to down when tackled. Daly kicked the goals very successfully, making two that were rather difficult. 1900 had good individual players but their team work was often very ineffective and they could not break through their opponent's line. For the Freshmen Daly ran the team well and Jaynes proved a very strong ground gainer.

The line-up was as follows:

1901. 1900.

W. Lawrence, l. e. r. e, Davis,

Brayton, l. t. r. t., Talbot.

Dayton, l. g. r. g., Fabyan.

Kasson, c. c., Curtis.

Talbot, r. g. l. g., Wheeler.

J. Lawrence, r. t. l. t., Shaw.

Hallowell, r. e. l. e., Haughton.
