
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale team is provided with a coach for every position.

Attempts are being made at Pennsylvania to organize an intercollegiate bowling league.

Yale has just received the new eightoared English shell ordered from Clasper last summer.

The estate of Columbia University has increased $5,870,000 during President Low's administration.

The University of California expects to send a track team east this coming spring. Nearly eighty men are in training for the team.


"Rebuttal in College Debating," a reprint of an article by Ralph Curtis Ringwalt '95, in the September number of the "Bachelor of Arts," has just been published in pamphlet form. It is well worth the notice of men interested in subject.

Other scores Saturday:

Pennsylvania, 40; Brown, 0.

Princeton, 30; Dartmouth, 0.

Exeter, 10; Boston College, 4.

Colgate, 18; Williams, 0.

Trinity, 16; Amherst, 0.

Andover, 26; Worcester, 0.

Holy Cross, 6; Worcester Tech., 0.

The annual report of the Yale Co-operative corporation shows a prosperous state of affairs. Net resources a year ago were $4,504.82, and at present date they amount to $6,201.39, leaving a profit for the last year of $1,696.57. The "Co-op" did a cash business of $32,130.94 during the last college year.
