WILL the following men please be at Soldiers Field this afternoon to usher at the Dartmouth game: W. H. Rand, E. Wadsworth, E. G. Burgess. A. B. Emmons, J. H. Lawton, T. M. Hastings, G. H. Scull, A. Adams, A. Davis, G. W. Thompson, E. Boardman. Badges will not be kept after 2.15 p. m. snarp.
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- The following men will please report today at the Gymnasium to Dr. Sargent for physical examination, each at the time set opposite his name. No one should miss his appointment, though there is no objection to exchanges: 9, R. E. Brewer and H. C. Force; 9.10, B. Z. Karson; 9.20, G. Milne; 9.30, H. Parton and F. B. Anderson; 9.40, D. D. Evans; 9.50, D. P. White; 10, G. Higbee and Mackay; 10.10, H. R. Haynes; 10.20, Procter; 10.30, Moore and Palmer; 10.40, Whitney; 10.50, Gerrish; 11, Bullard.
1901 WELD CREW.- First squad and both Burtons at 3.30; second squad, Burgess and Newland, at 4.30.
ALL Freshman backs be out at 2.15. All others at 2.30.
'99 FOOTBALL.- All candidates be at Locker Building dressed to play at 2.30. Practice immediately after the 'Varsity game.
1900 FOOTBALL.- Squad be out at 2.30 sharp. Any men who can come out are urged to do so at once.
WELD eight row at 5 p. m. sharp.
GOLF CLUB.- Members are notified that score cards are on sale at Weinschenk's.
GOLF CLUB.- Members are expected when on the links to conform to the established etiquette of golf as contained in the rules.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- The following men are taken on for further trial. R. H. Ellis, Collier, Hirshberg, Leiter, L. R. Allen, C. Norton, J. R. Crocker, Nixdorff, Hollings, C. B. Palmer, R. W. Dibble. First rehearsal will be held on Monday, Oct. 11, at 7 p. m. sharp, in Roberts Hall. All members and men taken on trial must absolutely attend. Business meeting after rehearsal.
THE Blue Book for entries to the annual fall chess tournament placed at Bartlett's will be removed at six o'clock this evening. Entries must be made before that time. All chess players in the University who have not yet signed are urged to do so.
TEACHERS wanted at the Prospect Union, especially for classes in bookkeeping, arithmetic, telegraphy, history, economics, and architectural drawing; also men to give one evening per week for a few weeks to serving the Union in other ways. Please apply at 22 Grays between 10 and 11 a. m., any day this week.
ALL men who wish to try for business positions on the Advocate should see the business manager, at Stoughton 2, as soon as possible.
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