

'VARSITY BASEBALL.- Practice at 3.30 sharp on Holmes.

'VARSITY FOOTBALL.- All men who have not taken the strength test must do so today at the Gymnasium, between 2 and 4 p. m.

SECOND ELEVEN.- The following men report at Tracy's, 1190 Massachusetts avenue, this morning at 8 o'clock for breakfast: Trainor, Hoague, Graydon, Gray, G. Sargent, A. R. Sargent, Warren, Gierasch, Livermore, Farley.

LAW SCHOOL Football Team.- All Law School men who are football players and who are interested in the formation of a Law School team are requested to meet in the East lecture room in Austin Hall, Friday, Oct. 9, at 2 p. m. Good material is abundant and will join the team if sufficient interest is shown.

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- The following men will please report today at the Gymnasium to Dr. Sargent for physical examination, each at the time set opposite his name. No one should miss his appointment, though there is no objection to exchanges: 9, R. E. Brewer; 9.10, H. C. Force; 9.20, B. Z. Kasson; 9.30, G. Milne; 9.40, H. Parton; 9.50, F. B. Anderson; 10, D. D. Evans; 10.10, D. P. White; 10.20, G. Higbee; 10.30, Mackay; 10.40, H. R. Haynes; 10.50, Procter; 11, Moore; 11.10, Palmer; 11.20, Whitney; 11.30, Gerrish; 11.40, Bullard; 11.50, Gray; 2.00, D. Daly; 2.10, Swain; 2.20, H. Lyman; 2.30, W. R. Lawrence; 2.40, T. O'D. Hillen.


ALL Freshman backs be out to kick at 3.45. Others at 4.

'99 FOOTBALL TEAM.- All men be out today at 4 o'clock sharp. Stowell, W. Adams, Homans and Kilburn come out without fail.

MORE men must come out for the 1900 squad today. Practice at 4 o'clock sharp.

WELD eight row at 4 p. m.

WELD 1901 CREW.- Todd, Burton, Kirkland, Blake, Barker, Perry, Brigham, DuBois, Corbin, Locke, Schlessinger, be at boat house, dressed to row at 3.30. Dana, Clark, Roloson, Newhall, Bigelow, Beak, Harper, Brainerd, Morrill, Sweetser, at 4.30.

THE meeting of the Weld Boat Club held Wednesday was unconstitutional, and all resolutions passed are hereby annulled.

CRICKET.- All members of last year's cricket team meet tonight in Little 6 at 7 o'clock, to elect a captain.

ALL candidates for the Freshman elevens report dressed at their field at 4 sharp. 6 tf

A CLASS for the study of the Bible as literature,- that is of the books of the Bible, their origin and authorship, their time and place, their contents, and their relation to the history of the peoples to whom they were given,- will be formed at the Shepard Memorial Church on Sunday, and will meet every Sunday at 12 o'clock. The class will be under the charge of Professor J. W. Platner, of the Harvard Divinity School. All students are cordially invited.

ALL men who wish to try for business positions on the Advocate should see the business manager, at Stoughton 2, as soon as possible,

TEACHERS wanted at the Prospect Union, especially for classes in book-keeping, arithmetic, telegraphy, history, economics, and architectural drawing; also men to give one evening per week for a few weeks to serving the Union in other ways. Please apply at 22 Grays between 10 and 11 a. m., any day this week.

A MEETING of the Rifle and Revolver Club will be held in Sever 8 at 5 p. m., on Friday, Oct. 8. All men interested in shooting are invited to attend.
