
Special Notice.

STUDENTS wishing room for a club table can be accommodated at Mrs. Brown's, 48 Brattle St. 8 3

STUDENTS ROOMS.- Read's Dormitory, Boylston St., near College buildings. This avenue leads to Soldier's Athletic Field, Boat Houses and Cambridge Park. A few suites, parlor and two bed rooms and single rooms. Steam heat, bath rooms, hot and cold water. Prices very moderate. Apply to Janitor, Boyston St. 2 tf

VERY desirable suite of rooms with study, bed room and bath to let at reduced rate. Apply to A. B., Crimson Office.

THE University Cafe will open Friday, October 8. 18 meal tickets $5.00. Regular breakfast, 25 cents; lunch 25 cents; dinner 35 cents. Steaks and chops a specialty. Schmidt and Owen, 77 Mt Auburn St. 9 2

W. P. HOVEY will receive beginners and advanced pupils on the banjo, guitar and mandolin on Thursdays. Address care of Briggs and Briggs, 1247 Mass. Ave.


TO LET.- Bonus of $100.00. Double suite on second floor of Quincy Hall. Apply to janitor. 9 2

LADIES and gentlemen can find firstclass rooms and board in private family. Transient or permanent. References exchanged. Address, C. L. A., care letter carrier 548, Cambridge. 9 3

STUDENTS wishing to make a few dollars right off, address D, Crimson Office.

AN elegantly furnished suite to be let, No. 6 Ashton place.
