
English 6.

Debate for Oct. 7, 1897.Question: "Resolved, that the United States should annex the Hawaiian Islands."

Affirmative.C. GRILK '98, and H. F. ROBINSON '98.

Best general references: Annual Cycl., '96-'97; Forum, 23: 723-736; Sen. Rep. '93-'94, 53d Cong., 2d Sess., 227; Harper's, Sept., '97; Boston Trauscript, Oct. 2, '97; A. C. Coolidge, Boston Herald, Oct. 5, p. 6; Rev. of Rev., 21; 3-6, 180-186, 4; 146; Independent, 49: 502, 806, 810, 1007, 1036.

Negative.R. T. PARKE '98, C. E. MORGAN, 3D, '98.

Best general references: Snow's Amer. Diplomacy; Public Opinion, 22, June 24, July 1, 22, 29, Aug. 5, Sept. 23, 30; Harper's, 87: 737; N. A. Rev., Sept., '97, 379; Pomeroy, Const. Law; Cooley, Const. Law, 35, 254.

