The Christian Association held its annual reception to new students last evening in Holden Chapel. A large number of new men were present and an informal meeting took place first between the old members and their guests.
Later, Dr. Peabody welcomed the men for the Faculty and dwelt upon the great impetus to religious work which the building of the Brooks Memorial House would occasion. This building, he said, would probably be ready for use next year, would be similar to Holden Chapel in appearance and would stand in the corner behind Holworthy and Stoughton and in a line with Harvard and the Chapel. Dr. Peabody dwelt upon the growth of religious life in the University and cautioned the men against thinking that religion was not active here merely because much was not said about it among the students themselves.
Mr. Chamberlain followed Dr. Peabody and told how a great deal of real good could be done at college without making a great show of virtue. Finally, Dr. McKenzie made a direct personal appeal to the men present ot remain true to their ideals throughout their college course and never fail to do what they considered right when they should be put to the test.
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Undergraduate Literary Exercises in Sanders Theatre.