
The Harvard Crimson Supplement.


Below are given the names and addresses of the members of the Class of 1901, including College and Scientific School Freshmen and first year Special Students who have registered up to the night of Saturday, Oct. 2. Where no town is given, the address is in Cambridge.

Adams, H, 22 Weld

Adler, M, 34 Holyoke street

Allen, B F, Jr, 305 Broadway

Allen, G M, 83 Perkins


Alley, A G, Jr, 114 Chestnut street, Chelsea

Ames, J, 24 Beck

Anderson, C A, 45 Trowbridge street

Anderson, F B, 47 Beck

Arensberg, C F C, 16 Conant

Anthony, R, 50 Holyoke House

Applegate, W A, 24 Ellsworth avenue

Appleton, W, Jr, 34 Beck

Arkin, L, 7 Ashland street, Boston

Armstrong, G P, Belmont
