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The annual reception given last evening to the new students was a most significant event in the college year, for it marked the entrance into the College life of a new and large company, to whose development Harvard's full resources will de devoted during the next four years.

In spite of the good advice given last night, we can not but emphasize to each of the newcomers the necessity of choosing some line of undergraduate activity and sticking to it until he can accomplish something for the common good. The opportunities are endless. For those who can not be athletes there are still debating, the college papers, and many other fields, where individual effort betters not alone the individual but also the college itself. And in this unselfish effort, this work side by side with others working for the same end, lies one of the grandest broadening influences of Harvard University.

Let members of the class of 1901, therefore, bear in mind that they are here not merely to get what they can out of the University, but, no less, to do what they can for the University, and that by doing so they will acquire a capacity for friendship, and a power to sympathize with and know other men, which will be of immense practical value to them in the future.
