

CRIMSON.- Semi-annual meeting and election tonight at 8 sharp. Every editor, graduate or undergraduate, is asked to attend promptly. Beer night afterwards.

Blake, Adams, DuBois, Bancroft, Pierce, and McBurney row at 3.30.

WELD BOAT CLUB.- Harding, Millard, Huntington, Dinsmoor, Bedford, Sherbourne, Morrill, Morton, Martin, and Clark be at boat house at 4.30 sharp.

WELD BOAT CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club at the boat house at 5 p. m., Wednesday.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Trials of candidates Thursday and Friday, October 7 and 8, at 7 p. m., in Roberts Hall. All men playing any orchestral instrument are urged to come and bring a solo.


A MEETING of the Rifle and Revolver Club will be held in Sever 8 at 5 p. m., on Friday, Oct. 8. All men interested in shooting are invited to attend.

'VARSITY BASEBALL,- Practice today, 3.30 sharp. Freshmen are especially urged to come out.

THERE will be a meeting of the executive committee of the Harvard Forum in 32 Little's Block at 7 o'clock.

THERE will be a meeting of the executive committee of the Harvard Forum in 32 Little's Block at 7 o'clock.

THERE will be a meeting of the Weld Boat Club at the Boat House on Monday at 5 o'clock.

ALL candidates for the Freshman elevens report dressed at their field at 4 sharp. 6 tf

HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- All students of civil engineering and mining are cordially invited to attend a meeting of the Civil Engineering Section at 46 Grays, Thursday evening, Oct. 7, at 7.45. Mr. J. S. Francis '97, will speak on the work of the Metropolitan Water Board.

GOLF CLUB.- Any member of the University wishing to join the Harvard Golf Club may do so by leaving the annual dues of five (5) dollars at the CRIMSON Office or by sending them to the treasurer, Stoughton Bell, 164 Brattle street.

WELD BOAT CLUB.- Beginning Thursday morning every member must positively show his membership ticket to the janitor before entering the house.
