Col. H. A. Thomas, postmaster of the Boston District has written a leeter, offering a solution for the Cambridge post office name complication, to the Hon. J. M. W. Hall, chairman of the committee of Cambridge citizens who have waited on him in regard to the matter.
Col. Thomas says that he has given special attention to the postal facilities of the city of Cambridge with a view to bringing about a satisfactory change of names for the different offices without curtailing the physical advantages of the present arrangements. Therefore he and Chief Inspector Evans are unanimous in recommending that no change be made at present in the location of the offices but that Cambridge be designated as "Cambridge A" and that Cambridgeport be discontinued and designated as "Cambridge B." If this recommendation meets the approval of the committee and the citizens generally, it will be at once recommended to the Post Office Department at Washington and the case can be settled without delay.
Chief Inspector Evans is preparing to find a new location for the post office in Harvard square after the name question is settled, for the present quarters are unsatisfactory.
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