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We wish to congratulate Captain Bigelow for the good beginning made yesterday in the track athletic work for the year. The times made were very fair for this season, and better than that, all the events were hotly contested, and fought out to the very end. It is shown that on the whole some very fair material is available to replace the men who have graduated.

There is however plenty of room for improvement in Harvard's track athletic record of the past few years. Certain events particularly must be strengthened, such as the weights and the bicycle races. There are surely numbers of men in the University who could be trained with success for these events, and we hope that encouraged by the satisfactory prospects for the track material, the management will be able to turn out some good weight throwers and bicycle riders. They should make a determined effort to put in the field next spring a well rounded team which is free from fatally weak spots, and can make at least a creditable showing all around.
