

C. Grilk '98, J. A. Keith Sp., W. Morse 1900, and P. G. Carleton '99.

The trial debate held last evening in the Fogg Lecture Room, to choose Harvard's speakers for the coming debate with Yale, was in all respects the most satisfactory showing ever made in debating at Harvard. The attendance was good and the number of speakers reached the unusually large number of forty-seven. The debate was handled in a thoroughly comprehensive manner and on both sides the arguments were strong and well presented. The men selected were C. Grilk '98, J. A. Keith Sp., and W. Morse 1900, with P. G. Carleton '99, as alternate.

The judges were Professor James Barr Ames, Mr. Solomon Lincoln, Professor George P. Baker, Dr. A. C. Coolidge and Mr. E. H. Warren. The question was that decided upon for the coming Yale debate, namely: "Resolved, That the United States should annex the Hawaiian Islands."

The following men spoke, in addition to those named above: H. D. Bushnell '98, F. C. Smith 1900, H. G. Gray L. S., W. P. Everts 1900, L. B. Canterbury '99, A. J. Smith '99, J. L. Marks 1900, R. L. Bolling 1900, J. G. Pierce 1901, E. A. Thornhill Sp., N. B. Marshall L. S., H. L. Bailey L. S., C. E. Williams 1900, R. L. Hoguet '99, A. M. Sayre '99, J. E. McCloskey 1900, C. E. Morgan '98, G. Bancroft '99, C. P. Adams '99, W. H. Conroy '99, R. C. Davis L. S., H. F. Robinson '98, I. Herr 1901, R. L. Kennedy L. S., R. E. Olds L. S., A. W. Blakemore L. S., W. Munro L. S., S. Robinson '98, F. O. White '99, T. S. Alexander '99, B. R. Robinson '98, E. D. Gould 1900, R. W. Jackman L. S., S. T. Sears L. S., A. Cook Sp., J. J. O'Donnell 1901, V. H. Smith '98, T. D. Parker G. S., S. B. Rosenthal '98, W. C. S. Healy '98, W. E. Weaver '98, M. E. Nichols '99, R. T. Parke '98.


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