At the annual meeting of the Civil Service Reform Club last evening the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, J. R. Procter, Jr., '98; vice-president, R. deK. Gilder '99; secretary-treasurer, W. B. Cutting, Jr., 1900. The members of the executive committee were elected as follows:
W. K. Otis and F. Dobyns from '98; W. H. Conroy and F. C. Sutro from '99; C. D. Draper and M. Davis from 1900; H. H. Murdock and R. H. Dana from 1901; F. H. Kinnicutt and W. S. Youngman from the Law School; H. A. Phillips from the Graduate School. Three members at large were appointed by the president: L. O. O'Brien L. S., H. B. Huntington Gr., B. R. Curtis '98.
A resolution was passed in favor of the University Club project and the resolution given below, adopted:
"Whereas, in the coming election for mayor of Greater New York, the Hon. Seth Low stands for honesty and non-partisanship in municipal government, be it.
Resolved, That the Harvard Civil Service Reform Club express its earnest hope for his election."
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