HAIR CUTTING SPECIALISTS.- Griffith's hair dressing rooms, 7 Brattle street, Harvard square. Seven artists, all special hair cutters. Razors carefully honed.
C. W. GRIFFITH, Proprietor.For five years at Young's Hotel, Boston.
MISS POST'S School for Instruction in Dancing at Pierce Hall, Copley Sq., reopens in October. Private lessons a specialty. Prospectus forwarded upon application. Office hours, 9 till 11, daily.
ERNEST W. CLARK, plumber, next to Ramsden's, makes a speciality of gas fixtures, lamps, chimneys and electrical work. Orders taken for Welsbach lights.
CANDIDATES for the Lampoon and others interested in drawing and painting and in illustrating taught by Mr. Eric Pape in Cowles Art School. Address for circulars,
F. M. COWLES, Manager, 221 Columbus Ave.1-9
THE Society of Decorative Art, 14 East 34th St., New York. Sofa Pillows, curtains, flags, artistic furnishings of all kinds, suitable for students' rooms. Shopping to order. 3 3m
THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf
BANJOS, Mandolins, Guitars, Zithers and all musical instruments delivered and paid for in monthly payments in as small or large payments as the purchaser may elect. Address B, Crimson, and will call showing cuts, prices and full descriptions. Lowest cash prices. The largest and finest stock in the city to select from. 25 2
EXCELLENT board and good service can be obtained for $6.00 per week at 1190 Mass. Ave., opposite Beck Hall. Club tables to let. Transients accommodated. 7 tf
STUDENTS.- Buy your second-hand text books at the Harvard Book Store, near Post Office, 33 Brattle St. 1-tf
TO LET.- Suite of two rooms, 12 Hilton Block. Furnishings for sale. Apply to W. J. Downing, 70 Kilby street, Boston, or to janitor on premises. 17 6
CARL PFLUEGER, Teacher of Singing, 21 Trowbridge St., Arrangement for lessons from 4 to 5 p. m. 25 3
"CLASS OF 1901." Get all your clothes pressed once a week during college year for $10.00 each. Call at 7 Brattle, or drop postal to L. G. MacKeigan, P. O. Box 36, Cambridge. 4 tf
Scribner's Beautiful Eds. of Stevenson, 21 vol.; Kipling, 12 vol.; Eugene Field, 10 vol.; Barrie, 8 vol.; Houghton, Mifflin and Co's Eds. of Lowell, 11 vol.; Hawthorne, 15; Holmes, 15; Whittier, 9; Longfellow, 14; and Emerson, 14 vol.; illus. with 349 Photogravures; their new Ed. of Bret Harte. Little Brown and Co.'s New and Elegant Ed. of Francis Parkman, 20 vol., 120 ill. by Goupil and Co., Paris. All Eds. of the Standard Authors from $12 to $100 (Eds. de Luxe); Superb Ed. of the Arabian Nights (unexpurgated), 15 vol.- very rare. Standard Dictionary and Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
The complete set delivered and payments of $1 or $2 per month satisfactory.
Address X, Crimson.25 2
TYPEWRITING.- 53 Church street.
FRENCH RESTAURANT, 3 Linden street, Hilton Block. Club room for 8-10; also club tables may be secured. Boarders and transients accommodated. First class board $6.00. $5.00 for clubs of four or more.
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday nights. Term opens Oct. 12. Private lessons by appointment. Residence next city hall. 2 tf
STUDENTS will please bear in mind that the annual sale at auction of imported sporting prints; steeple chases, cock fights, etc.; also mezzotints, caricatures, etc, will take place at Lewis J. Bird Co.'s Auction Rooms, 32 Bromfield street, Boston, one week commencing Nov. 1. It will pay students to wait and see this collection before purchasing wall ornaments. 24 2
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