
Shooting Club.

A piece of land in the northwestern part of Soldiers Field has been set aside by the Athletic Committee for the use of the Shooting Club. On it a new building is now in process of erection, to replace the wooden house destroyed last summer. It is hoped that it will be completed in about one week.

The new structure, which will measure ten by sixteen feet is being built of corrugated sheet iron. Inside there will be gun racks and places for keeping the traps, which when in use, will be situated on the further side of the dike, and will be sprung by electricity.

After the completion of the club house, there will only be a short time before the intercollegiate shoot, to be held this year at New Haven. All men, therefore, who expect to try for the team, must practice steadily in the short time which remains. For this purpose there will be regular practice shoots twice a week, and once a week a prize contest. In addition to this, three shoots will be held this fall for the Founder's Cup. Every fall and spring this cup is contested for in several matches, the cup to become the property of the man winning it five times.

With the incentive of a new house, fitted with the latest conveniences, and with the prospect of these numerous shoots, it is sincerely hoped that all who are in any way interested, will try for the team.
