The extensive changes which are being made in the Weld Boat House will be finished in about two weeks. The ell at the back of the house will be moved to the east side of the main building and will have a float, equal in size to the present one, in front of it. This will make it possible for the eights to have a float of their own and will obviate the necessity of carrying the shells through the main building in taking them in and out. There will be a covered piazza behind the main building, equal in width to the distance the ell will extend beyond it. The front piazza will be extended in front of the ell in its new position and there will be a piazza ten feet wide between the ell and the main building. The necessary piles are almost all down and the gravel which is being dredged out of the bed of the river above the Boylston street bridge is being used to fill in with. The city of Cambridge which owns the house is doing the work. The architect is George A. Moore of Boston.
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