To the Editors of the Crimson:
The question of the formation of a University Club has again come before us, and the present time seems a most favorable one to arouse the interest of graduates and undergraduates alike in the scheme. Financial depression is constantly decreasing as a barrier to the project, and if once started, the movement will certainly culminate in success in a few years.
As to the feasibility of the scheme. there seems to be little doubt if every one does his share to aid those who have active charge. Harvard for many years has grown more and more de-centralized in interest and some positive check must immediately be applied. The University Club, as proposed, seems to offer the easiest and most certain means of again uniting the student body and producing a spirit of unity which shall be powerful enough to bring success to our efforts, whether athletic or literary.
Such a club as proposed will not interfere with the present existing societies nor will they interfere with it. The club will never suffer for lack of support by the best men in the University, and such as would disdain to frequent it are of a class discreditable to any society and unworthy of recognition by their fellow students.
I most heartily commend any movement which will give us a University Club, and that at the earliest possible moment. What better time or means of making a start than by a mass meeting upon the arrival and under the leadership of our esteemed friend, Mr. Lehmann?
Truly yours,
J. L. KNOX '98.
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