NEW HAVEN, CONN., Oct. 20.
The surprise of the season in the football world was furnished by Brown here today when Capt. Fultz's men broke through the Yale line almost at will and ran up a total score of 14 points, scoring three touchdowns against the home team, the largest score ever made on a Yale field against a Yale eleven. Yale secured no more touchdowns than did the visitors but her goal-kicker guard Cadwalader was successful in every trial for goal, while Hall, who made the attempt after the Brown touchdown, failed in all but one chance.
Brown took the lead at the start, Gammons scoring after six minutes of play. Kiefer scored first for Yale and the goal was kicked, the half closing with the score 6 to 4 in Yale's favor.
In the second half Captain Rodgers's irresistible rushing broke the Brown line, but as soon as Yale ran the score up to 12, Brown increased hers to 8. Kiefer made another touchdown for Yale five minutes before time was called while Gammons scored for Brown during the last two minutes of play, Hall kicking this goal, and leaving the score 18-14.
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