HALF PRICE.- Double Suite, 16 Ware Hall; up one flight; corner room. Lease will be sold for one half the regular price. Apply at 9 Little's Block. 18 3
TO LET.- A good room, No. 1256 Massachusetts avenue. Study faces south and west; bedroom south. Good sun. Thirty-five (35) dollars bonus. 16 5
CARL PFLUEGER, Teacher of Singing, 21 Trowbridge St., Cambridge. 19 4
TO LET.- Suite of two rooms, 12 Hilton Block. Furnishings for sale. Apply to W. J. Downing, 70 Kilby street, Boston, or to janitor on premises. 17 6
FOUND.- A gold seal ring, onyx stone; may be obtained by owner calling at Crimson office and paying for notices.
BOARD for one or two students in a German family. Excellent opportunity to converse in German. 1671 Cambridge street.
WE have 10,000 lead pencils to give away to Harvard men. Call at Pach's Studio and get one.
A CLUB-ROOM for 8-10, and club tables for 4-8 may be secured at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street. First class board $6.00; clubs of 4 or more, $5.00 per week.
FOUND, a gold seal ring. Inquire at Crimson office.
FOUND, yesterday, on Soldiers Field, a book. Owner can receive same at this office by paying for this notice.
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