

WILL the following men please be at Soldiers Field this afternoon to usher at the Newton A. A. game: Rand, Boardman, Scull, G. McC. Sargent, A. R. Sargent, Trainer, Wadsworth, Nourse, G. W. Thompson, L. E. Ware, Hoague, E. Gray, J. Forbes, P. S. Dalton. Badges will not be reserved after 3.15 p. m.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 in 1256 Mass. Ave. New men must be present.

BAND.- All men interested in forming a permanent band are requested to meet at 28 Hollis on Thursday evening, Oct. 21, at 7 o'clock. Business prospects good.

HARVARD UNION.- C. E. Case, Dolman, Parke, Eaton, Bushnell and Bolling please take notice that the Forum has chosen the negative side.

NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.- All members of the University interested in natural history are invited to meet the officers and members of the society in University 16 at 7.15 o'clock this evening.


WELD EIGHT row at 4. All be on time.

1900 FOOTBALL.- All be dressed to play at 4 o'clock.

WELD BOAT CLUB locker keys will be redeemed only at the boat house by the janitor. No keys will be redeemed at Amee's. No keys will be redeemed after Oct. 31, and all claims for the rebate must be made in the name of the man who made the deposit.

THE Oxford Club will meet in the Chapel of the Epworth M. E. Church, October 20, at 7.30 o'clock. Professor C. W. Rishell of the Boston University School of Theology will deliver a short address and a social hour will follow. All students of Methodist affiliation are cordially invited.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Trial for candidates will be held Thursday evening, Oct. 21, at 7 o'clock, in 11 Quincy Hall.

GOLF CLUB.- Members who have not already received their shingles may obtain them by applying at the Crimson office.

GOLF TOURNAMENT.- Members are reminded that the blue-book, at Leavitt and Pierce's, for the tournament to be held on Friday and Saturday, will be closed on Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. Those who wish to enter must do so before that time.

PROSPECT UNION.- Teachers wanted in book-keeping and photography. Also school books of all kinds. Please call at 22 Grays between 10 and 11 a. m.

WANTED, at once, for the Prospect Union, copies of Geikie's or Shaler's geologies, and other geology books suitable for reference. Will those who can give or lend any such books kindly send address to 32 Matthews.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB TRIALS.- The trials for candidates will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 20 and 21, instead of Oct. 19 and 20 as announced.
